How to Find Steam Screenshot Folder Fast [Step by Step Guide]
Where is my Steam Screenshots Folder?
If you ever asked this question to yourself then this guide is for you!
Also, If you want to know more about custom screenshot, backing up screenshots to cloud and other HIDDEN TRICKS FOR STEAM then check this article:
Let me show you the exact step by step guide to locate your steam’s magical moments that you captured.
You have 2 easy options to access your steam screenshots:
[00:24] ]Method-1: Using Windows File Manager
In this method, You have to use the deaf ult file manager on your windows PC.
Go to your program files drive then follow the instructions from our guide.
[02:14] ]Method-2: Using Steam’s Screenshot Manager
Open your steam app, then access to the screenshot manager. Just follow the video.
Extra Info: [03:07] How to change steam screenshot folder location
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Tag: steam screenshots, steam screenshot folder, steam screenshot location, steams screenshots folder, steam screenshots, steam screenshot, change the default steam screenshots folder location, how to change steam screenshot save location, steam screen shot, steam screenshot uploader, steam screenshot settings, change screenshot location, steam screenshot key, steam (gaming)
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