
W33 [Sniper] Immortal Pro Gameplay – Dota 2

W33 [Sniper] Immortal Pro Gameplay – Dota 2

Dota 2 Sniper Gameplay – Immortal Rank. Play Dota2 with player W33
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W33 Sniper Immortal Pro Gameplay – Dota 2

Kardel Sharpeye, the Sniper, is a ranged agility hero who excels at dealing moderate to heavy damage from an incredible range. With no escape mechanism, poor mobility, and only a modest health pool, Sniper is exceptionally frail at all stages of the game and vulnerable to enemies who confront him head-on. However, his abilities provide him both the means to keep his distance and systematically destroy his enemies from afar. Shrapnel is a potent, high-cast range zoning ability that provides vision for Sniper while slowing and damaging enemies in its area of effect; with up to 3 charges on the ability, Sniper can completely close off any viable routes for his opponents to approach or escape. Headshot supplements Sniper’s right-click damage and briefly stops enemies when it procs, which can be quite debilitating since it has a high rate of occurring. His third ability, Take Aim, gives him the largest attack range of any hero in the game, allowing him to deal high DPS from a safe distance while also giving him the ease to switch between targets at a moment’s notice. Finally, Assassinate is a strong finishing and harassing ability, dealing hefty damage to an enemy from an enormous distance after a brief aiming period. Sniper is heavily item-dependent, relying on means to increase his survivability as well as his damage output as the game progresses. Skilled players will find that positioning is the most important thing to keep in mind when playing both as him or against him.

Dota 2 Pro Replay Full HD 1080p 60 fps @60fps Gameplay Player Perspective Replays Gameplay Guide on Ranked Match | Full Game | Full Match | RMM | 688 | 6 88 | 6.88c
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Tag: sniper dota, Dota, Nigma miracle, W33 Rampage, W33 Immortal, W33 Pro, W33 Pro Gameplay, Dota 2, W33 dota 2, dota 2 pro replays, dota 2 pro, dota 2 top mmr, dota 2 gameplay, dota 2 ranked match, dota 2 60fps, dota gameplay, dota 2 W33 full game, gameplay, dota 2 W33 gameplay, W33, Miracle-,Миракле,Миракл, dota2, mmr, Sniper Dota 2, dota 2 Sniper, W33 Sniper, dota 2 Sniperpro, Dota 2 Sniper, Sniper Pro, Sniper Moments, Sniper Rampage, Sniper, Kardel Sharpeye, dota 2 highlights, dota 2, dota

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