
MCPE Top 5 Best 3D Texture Packs With Shaders (3D Blocks, Glowing Ores, Animated and UHD Textures)

MCPE Top 5 Best 3D Texture Packs With Shaders (3D Blocks, Glowing Ores, Animated and UHD Textures)

►In this video I’ll show you some 3D texture packs for mcpe. You’ll find texture packs with realistic textures, glowing blocks and animated blocks in this video. These texture packs are best played with shaders.

*Watch on 2160p60 For Better Details*

Note: I reviewed texture packs in this video which can be played with any shader you prefer. I will leave links to the shader I used in this video.

►TimeStamps and Textures Used in Video:

Cinematic Review 00:00
R3D Craft 00:42
Hollywood Blocks 1:38
D_Fault Texture Pack 2:36
Realistico 256x 3:43
S3D Craft 4:15
Thanks for Watching 5:03


►Shaders used in video:


Vert shader: (only used in one clip)

Vert shader creator:


5. R3D Craft:

Official Website:

4. Hollywood Blocks:

Official Java Version:

3. D_Fault 3.0:


2. Realistico 256:


1. S3D Craft:


Music Credits:

Sweden Reexy Remix:

Sweden Caution and Crisis Remix:

►Watch my other videos:

MCPE 1.16 Top 5 Best Shaders (Including Nether Shaders)

MCPE Continuum Shader Pack:

MCPE Fabric Lights Shader Pack:

►Check out my mcpe best shaders playlist. So far I have reviewed seus pe, cspe, Zaifa, continuum, kmpe, estn, eug, Dex, Bicubic and many shaders:

Thank you so much for watching. you can support me anytime by subscribing. If you have any suggestions or have any questions feel free tell me in the comments. I’ll try my best to reply. I hope you’ll have a wonderful day. See you again on my next video 🙂

#MinecraftPE #McpeShaders #MCPE

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mcpe shaders, mcpe shader 1.16, mcpe best shaders, mcpe shader 2020, mcpe best texture packs, mcpe 3d texture pack, mcpe S3D texture pack, mcpe realistico texture, mcpe continuum shader pack, mcpe cspe shader pack, mcpe seus shaders

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Tag: texture pack minecraft pe 3d, mcpe shaders, mcpe best shaders, mcpe shaders 2020, mcpe shader 1.16, mcpe seus shader, mcpe continuum shader, mcpe realistic texture pack, mcpe 3D Texture pack, mcpe S3D texture pack, mcpe best texture packs, mcpe best textures and shaders, mcpe rtx like shader, mcpe ray tracing like shader

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