Maiko Spring 2012: Konpira Fune Fune, Geisha Dinner Games 【HD】
The past April 28, we enjoyed the stunning performances of Geiko Miehina and Maiko Fukunae, from Miyagawa-cho, at the Kyoto Fan Event Maiko Spring 2012.
In this open event, held at KYOTO DESIGN HOUSE, people from all over the world had the opportunity to see and learn about the culture, tradition and daily life of these wonderful artists.
In the video, we see the “Ozashiki Asobi”, or the dinner games that Geiko and Maiko usually play with their guests.
We all had a great time, learned many things about what the Geiko (Geisha) and Maiko (Geiko apprentice) really are and learned many details about their lives that you hardly would find on books or movies.
I would like to thank all the guests for coming and sharing such a wonderful afternoon with us. Also I would like to thank Miehina San and Fukunae San for their perfect presentations and for sharing a little of their secrets with us.
Related links:
Our website, a comprehensive guide to Kyoto sightseeing:
Event host: Kyoto Fan
Photo album from the event:
Tag: trò chơi của nhật, Japan, Kyoto, Fan, Event, Maiko, Spring, 2012, Geiko, Geisha, Konpira, tradicional, games, dinner, shamisen, music, song, Miehina, Fukunae, Miyagawa, ward, ancient, culture, entertainment, performance,日本,京都,舞妓,スプリング,芸妓,芸者,お座敷,遊び,金比羅,船々,三味線,ふく苗,美恵雛,唄,宮川町, Japon, Kioto, juegos, presentacion, musica, cancion, cultura, design, house, Kyoto Design House, HD, Konpira Fune Fune, Ozashiki Asobi, Miyagawa-cho, art,伝統,文化, cena, arte, viral, cute, pretty, beautiful, japanese, girls, real
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