
All Pantheon Skins Rework 2019 (League of Legends)

All Pantheon Skins Rework 2019 (League of Legends)

This video contains skins spotlights for all Pantheon reworked skins in pre-release time on the test server PBE patch 9.16
A final update of those skins will be released after two weeks since pre-release to show you what are the improvements.

The prices, names and timestamps:
00:09 Classic Pantheon – 3150 BE x 790 RP
02:04 Myrmidon Pantheon – 520 RP
03:21 Ruthless Pantheon – 520 RP
04:36 Perseus Pantheon – 750 RP
05:54 Full Metal Pantheon – 975 RP
07:12 Glaive Warrior Pantheon – 975 RP
08:32 Dragonslayer Pantheon – 1350 RP
09:51 Slayer Pantheon – 975 RP
11:10 Baker Pantheon – 1350 RP

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Tag: skin pantheon, squpo, pantheon rework, pantheon rework skins, all pantheon skins rework, all pantheon skins, pantheon rework 2019, all pantheon skins spotlight, pantheon skins rework, pantheon skins, dragonslayer pantheon, baker pantheon, slayer pantheon, perseus pantheon, ruthless pantheon, full metal pantheon, myrmidon pantheon, glaive warrior pantheon, pantheon champion spotlight, new pantheon rework, pantheon, lol, skins

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