FULL Female Minecraft Skin Tutorial!
~*+ O P E N M E +*~
WHEW. Okay. This took a loonng time to edit… I guess that’s why it took so long for me to upload it? I dunno man. I realllly hope you guys find this helpful though. Tutorials take a lot longer than you think they would..for me anyways. Hon, I ain’t the best person at explaining things so this won’t be the BEST tutorial video in the world, but I am quite proud of it. I hope that I’ll get better at recording voice overs soon… :,)
Some of the audio got messed up in this video but I still hope y’all found it helpful.
I wanted to let you guys know that I am going to try posting weekly on Fridays. I can’t promise that I will be able to do this because making a skin is hard work and I’m a very busy person… The times that I will post will obviously vary, but I will try to post them at 4:30 PM EST.
Download this skin!
A skin commission is like a skin request but it costs money.
I charge $6 to $8 for one skin depending on if you want it private or not. 🙂
If you’re interested in one, just press this link: If you’re interested in a commission just click this link:
You should join my family friendly discord server!
I hope you all have an Magical day!
If you have time, please like the video and subscribe!
Screen Recorder: iSpring Free Cam 8
Video Editor: VideoPad Video Editor
Website used to make skin:
Tag: skin girl minecraft pe, tutorial, skin tutorial, minecraft skin tutorial, cute minecraft skin tutorial, lxnacorn skin tutorial, minecraft lxnacorn, skin lxnacorn, skins, mc skin, minecraft skins, cute trendy minecraft skin, trendy minecraft skin, lxnacorn, lunacorn, lunacorn skins, cutie skin, cute skin, happy girl skin, cute, skin, minecraft girl skin, minecraft skin, elvenjedi, thanos minecraft skin, youtube skin, youtube rewind, magical day
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